How to...

This page contains information on deadlines, courses, instructions for entrance examinations and online enrolment applications, return to study, suspending or interrupting studies or further needs concerning your university career.


Enrollment and entrance examinations

Deadlines and instructions for entrance examinations and online enrolment applications.

Single courses

Information and forms to apply for single courses. 

Years after the first and Part time study

Information and forms to enrol in years after the first, with a reduced period of attendance, following transfers and for part time study.

Returning to study

Information and forms to return to your studies after an interruption.

Suspending - Interrupting studies

Information and forms to suspend, abandon or forfeit your studies.

Changing course or University

Information and forms to change course or University.

Study Plans and Examinations

Information on the presentation of study plans and on taking examinations.

Fees and Concessions

Information on fees and concessions.

How to pay fees

Information on how to pay fees.

Student Card

Information and forms to request the issue or a new or a duplicate student card.

Recognition of foreign qualifications

Information and forms to request recognition of a qualification obtained abroad.

Certificates and Self-declarations

Regulations regarding the issue of and application procedures for certificates.

Diploma Supplement

Information and forms to request the Diploma Supplement.

Injuries and insurance cover

Information and regulations on injuries and insurance cover.

Equivalence of foreign academic qualifications

Information on the procedures used by the University.

Student Secretariat's Office Hours

Information on the hours of all sites of University.

Student Secretariat's contacts

Information on how to contact the Student Secretariats.


General information on how to apply for graduation.

Collection of Degree Awards

Indications of how to collect your degree awards.

Obtaining a further degree

Indications of how to enroll in a second degree


Last updated on: 07/09/2022 - 15:01