The study plan is the list of all learning activities (courses, laboratories, internships, etc.) that have to be attended and completed in order to gain the qualification. The total number of credits needed is at least:
- 180 CFU for a Bachelor’s degree
- 120 CFU for a Master’s or Specialisation degree
- 300 CFU for a 5 year single cycle Master’s or Specialisation (and 360 CFU for 6 year courses)
Check regularly under "Online Registration Book” on the Online Services page that your study plan is correct and up-to-date.
The study plan requires you to make some choices. Furthermore, you can modify it from one academic year to the next. Depending on the changes, these may need approval by the department responsible for the learning activity.
Deadlines for online study plan submission and study plan modification:
Three-year degrees, master's degrees following the 1st year and single-cycle master's degrees of 5 or 6 years:
It is possible to present the study plan and modify it only in two periods of the academic year:
from 18th September 2023 to 9th November 2023.
from 15th January 2024 to 19th April 2024.
1st year master's degrees and Trieste-Udine inter-university master's degrees:
from 18th September to 19th April 2024
After 19th April 2024 it will be no longer possible to present or modify the study plan for the academic year 2023/2024.
To present the study plan and to modify it, you must be regularly enrolled in the 2023/2024 academic year.
To compile or modify your study plan:
- you must be regularly enrolled in the current academic year (included courses with mandatory requirements which need a temporary "conditional" enrolment;
- if you are enrolled in a degree course and/or under regulations that are no longer active, you cannot change your study plan, except to request inclusion of learning activities to complete the study plan itself, and, in any case, dependent on approval by the department responsible for the learning activity.
- if you change your study plan, you can graduate no earlier than the summer session of the academic year in which you change your study plan;
- you cannot substitute or change learning activities already completed;
- the courses chosen must be available in the current academic year. Check this on the Courses and Programmes web page (go to Utility);
- If you intend to choose courses that are part of a course of study with a fixed number of places, permission to attend depends on approval (nullaosta) by the department responsible for the learning activities. For the procedure, first contact the Student Secretariat of your course of study.
How to make the necessary choices and compile your study plan.
In the Online Services, select “Career plan” and follow the guided procedure. After the final confirmation, always check that the study plan has been correctly loaded into your online registration book. If not, contact the Student Secretariat.
If the procedure is not active or you cannot complete it, check the information for your course of study. (page in Italian)
If your study plan does not envisage choices, the plan will be inserted automatically.
How to change your study plan
First check in your online registration book that your study plan for the current year has been inserted. After that, go to Online Services, ‘Certificates and Changes to Study Plan’, and print the study plan change form and indicate the changes. On the web page Courses and Programmes (go to Utility) check the code and the CFUs of the courses to be inserted. If they must be approved by the department responsible for the learning activities, you must pay a €16.00 stamp duty (check with the Secretariat). Finally, sign and submit the form by the specified deadline to the Student Secretariat of your course of study (P.le Europa, 1) or send it by post, attaching a front/back photocopy of your document of identity.