11. Sustainable cities and communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable


The University of Trieste contributes to Goal 11 through initiatives to improve the community in which it seeks to make towns and human settlements inclusive, safe resilient and sustainable, while conserving local culture and heritage also by re-qualifying its own historical buildings and museum holdings. The University of Trieste contributes to Goal 11 in particular with:

- an energy-efficient building plan to limit energy consumption and increase energy production from renewal sources (solar energy);

- a University system of differentiated waste collection of paper, glass-plastic-cans, batteries, plant waste, and undifferentiated material;

- actions to de-materialise administrative processes in order to reduce the amount of material consumed (above all paper and plastic) and waste produced;

- initiatives to encourage sustainable mobility and the use of local public transport through special season-tickets for staff and students;

- the Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo (University Library System – SBA) with its open-access, Institutional Archive, “OpenstaTS” makes the academic publications of the University of Trieste available to all. The SBA also provides a selection of titles from the University libraries that address the 17 Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

- the Sistema Museale di Ateneo (University Museum System – SmarTS) is an open-access system that protects and valorises the holdings of various museums and collections, the research materials and tools used over time, or, as in the case of art-work, the product of donations and acquisitions;

titoli sd biblioteca

- participation in the Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Network of Universities for Sustainable Development - RUS) workgroups:

  • Climate Changes, which aims to guide the University’s commitment in actions to combat climate change;
  • Energy, aiming to promote energy sustainability in universities and local communities;
  • Mobility, focused on policies and initiatives in university mobility management aimed at sustainable mobility;
  • Resources and waste, concerned with ways to manage waste produced in universities, implementing legislative norms and techniques, including those of the circular economy;
  • "Food”, looking at food consumption models among university staff and students in order to make universities a sustainable food consumption model for the local community;sustainable food consumption model for the local community;

- a series of building measures to remove architectonic barriers and guarantee access to University facilities and services for all;

- the work of the University’s Technical Office;
- initiatives of the Rector’s Delegates for:

  • Buildings and energy
  • External sites
  • Waste management
  • Mobility management
  • Sustainability
  • Administrative simplification and institutional agreements

- the work of the Energy Manager

In 2020, UniTS realised procedures during the Covid-19 pandemic to limit the spread of infection (tracking and limitation of access, installation of sanitizing devices, smart working, online teaching) within the academic community and society in general. Furthermore, the University encouraged uptake among its staff of the ‘flu and, in the academic year 2020-2021, Covid-19 vaccines, while also contributing through the work of medical school specialisation students who were involved in the programmes to vaccinate the general public.


immagine town centre managementThe University of Trieste teaching programmes contribute to Goal 11 with first degree courses, Master’s degree courses, doctorates and, in general, postgraduate programmes in various departments, as well as through the inter-university 2nd level specialised Master in “Town Centre Management” (academic year 2019/2020).




Research, third mission, knowledge transfer and public engagement work undertaken in departments (ArTS – Archivo della ricerca di Trieste (Trieste Research Archive)), together with patents, Spin-offs and Start-ups within the University of Trieste technology transfer system, and the work of the ‘Giacomo Ciamician’ Inter-departmental Centre on Energy, Environment and Transport contribute to Goal 11 objectives