6. Clean water and sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

The University of Trieste contributes to the aims of Goal 6 with its commitment to provide free access to clean tap-water, encouraging responsible use and a reduction of waste and plastic packaging, in particular through:


logosustainablity UniTs- the Acqua di Rete di Trieste (Trieste Water Network – AreTS) project to install 11 distribution points on the main University sites providing micro-filtered water to encourage users to drink tap-water and reduce the invasive and excessive use of plastic. The distribution points are part of the installation of green corners, together with a set of containers for differentiated waste collection. The aim is to set up awareness-raising points on themes of environmental sustainability thanks to information systems regarding responsible consumption as part of the University’s general sustainability programme; 

- a project to install water containers on the main University site;

- distribution to first-year students of re-usable water bottles with a low carbon footprint supply chain;

- a memorandum of understanding between the University of Trieste and the multi-utility that supplies water services (AcegasApsAmga S.p.A.);

- participation in the “Green Metric” international sustainability ranking table, in which the results in the section “Water” indicate that the University’s performance in 2020 was very good.


dati green metric

- systematic monitoring of water services by the University’s Technical Office;

-initiatives by the Rector’s delegates for:

  • Buildings and energy
  • Sustainability


The University of Trieste teaching programmes contribute to Goal 6 with first degree courses, Master’s degree courses, doctorates and, in general, postgraduate programmes in various departments, as well as through the “Environmental Sustainability in Europe: a socio-legal perspective - EnSuEu” project co-funded by the European Union through the Jean Monnet action modules


titolo conferenza su clima


Research, third mission, knowledge transfer and public engagement work undertaken in departments (ArTS – Archivo della ricerca di Trieste - Trieste Research Archive), together with patents, Spin-offs and Start-ups within the University of Trieste technology transfer system, and the work of the ‘Giacomo Ciamician’ Inter-departmental Centre on Energy, Environment and Transport contribute to Goal 6 objectives.