16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies


The University of Trieste is committed to initiatives to promote best organisational practice in governance, collaborating at local, national and international level in actions for peace and justice. Internally, the University pursues aims in line with Goal 16, such as:

- responsibility, effectiveness and transparency at all levels of governance in order to ensure the correct performance of its duties;

- founding university anti-corruption policies on efficiency and effectiveness, so that application of current regulations in all sectors is transparent and equitable;

- preventing and combatting conflicts of interest and illicit practice;

-ensuring a reactive, inclusive, participative and representative decision-making process at all levels;

- guaranteeing public access to information and protecting basic liberties.

This commitment is realised through:

- adoption of a three-year Transparency and Integrity Programme;

- adoption of the “University of Trieste Code of Conduct for the prevention of harassment in the place of work or study and the protection of personal dignity";

- the institution of the position of ‘Confidential Counsellor’ to combat discrimination, harassment and violation of dignity or mobbing;

- the work of the Comitato unico di garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni (Single Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, the valorisation of the wellbeing of working people and against discrimination ) – CUG

- adoption under the 2020 Integrated Plan of actions

  • to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity;
  • to facilitate inclusion of diversely-able staff and students;

- the University regulations protecting workers’ rights, and actions to promote safe and protected workplaces for all employees and students, guaranteed by the Prevention and Protection Service;

- adoption of University Policy on the Ethical Integrity of research, in accordance with the European Researchers’ Charter;

- the institution of two bodies to assess ethical aspects of research activities:

  • the University Ethics Committee;
  • the Organismo Preposto al Benessere degli Animali dell’Ateneo (The University Body for Animal Welfare -OPBA);

- participation in the Workgroup “Inclusione e Giustizia Sociale” (Inclusion and Social Justice) within the Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Network of Universities for Sustainable Development - RUS) with the aim of strengthening the role of universities in the construction of inclusive, sustainable and equitable contexts attentive to gender equality, focused on social justice and able to fight inequality;

A contribution to the realisation of Goal 16 comes from the activities of the Rector's Delegates for:

  • Legal affairs and transparency
  • Human resources, trade union and welfare policies
  • Working conditions, workers’ health and safety
  • Budget
  • Communication and Brand Strategy
  • Administrative simplification and institutional agreements;


The University of Trieste teaching programmes include first degree courses, Master’s degree courses, doctorates and, in general, postgraduate programmes in various departments that are relevant to Goal 16 objectives, above all in the legal, sociological, political economic and technological fields.

In particular, the degree course in Law provides among its occupational openings access to the legal professional and judiciary.

grafico laurea giurisprudenza


Research, third mission, knowledge transfer and public engagement work undertaken in the departments (ArTS – Archivo della ricerca di Trieste (Trieste Research Archive)), in particular in the Department of Life Sciences, and the Spin-offs and Start-ups within the University of Trieste technology transfer system contribute to Goal 16 objectives

Participation in inter-university centres:

  • Centro interuniversitario Analisi e simboli istituzioni politiche (Inter-university Centre for Analysis and Symbols of Political Institutions - CASIP);
  • Centro interuniversitario di ricerca di diritto comparato ((Inter-university Centre of research in comparative law)
  • Centro interuniversitario Analisi dell’Interazione e della Mediazione (Inter-university Centre for Analysis of Interaction and Mediation - AIM).
Maria Cristina Barbieri, "Tutela della salute pubblica e controllo sociale: prove di legalità nel periodo dell’emergenza sanitaria", in: Gian Paolo Dolso, Maria Dolores Ferrara, Davide Rossi (a cura di), "Virus in fabula. Diritti e Istituzioni ai tempi del covid-19", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020, pp. 249-259
avviso giornata trasparenza

riflessioni Zaky

Sara Tonolo
Prof. di Diritto internazionale e direttrice del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

annuncio evento convivere con Auschwitz