Students from outside the city have various accommodation options in Trieste.
Hall of Residence
If they fulfil the necessary academic and economic requirements and are on the ranking list drawn up by ARDIS, students may be able to apply for a room.
Details on the application procedure can be found on the ARDIS website.
See the ARDIS website for information on the selection procedure.
ARDIS - Agenzia regionale per il diritto agli studi superiori - Friuli Venezia Giulia (Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Agency for Access to Higher Education)
Salita Monte Valerio, 3 – 34127 Trieste
Tel. +39 040 3595 204/205/354
Fax +39 040 3595 352
website: ARDIS
University Residence in the former Military Hospital
This modern and functional residence accommodates students, researchers and academic staff from all over the world. It was created following the renovation of the former Military Hospital, an imposing building built in 1863 during the time of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in Trieste.
The Luciano Fonda University College provides a number of grants to cover accommodation in the residence, so offering students of merit the opportunity to study in Trieste.
Website: University Residence in the former Military Hospital
Other University Halls of Residence
Trieste offers various halls of residence, many of which associated to the local diocese.
The main residences are:
Address: Piazza Dalmazia, 3 – 34133 Trieste -
Tel. 040 36431 -
- Casa dello studente San Francesco d'Assisi
Address: Via Tommaso Grossi, 2 – 34131 Trieste -
Tel. 040 309554 -
Address: Via Fabio Severo, 148 – 34127 Trieste -
Tel. 040 568118 -;
Address: Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII, 7 – 34123 Trieste -
Tel. 040 302612 -;
Address: Via dell’Istria, 53 – 34137 Trieste -
Tel. 040 638526 -
Notice Boards and Internet
Many students find accommodation through the different notice boards in the University, and many others use the Internet.
Some of the most popular sites (in Italian) are:
Students also frequently make use of social networks and different Facebook groups.