1. No poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Measures for students and their families to ensure that no student is excluded from an education of quality because of economic difficulties include:

  • progressive fees based on income, full or partial exemption, reductions for needy or meritorious students;
  • grants and scholarships for study and research;
  • consultation with the business world (Steering Committees), placement and work advice through the University Career Service to facilitate access to the job market for graduating students and recent graduates
  • consultazioni con il mondo produttivo e dei servizi, anche tramite Comitati di Indirizzo dei Corsi di Studio;
  • Welcoming service for international students; International glossary for students and researchers

Italian students who do not live in Trieste, EU students and those from the rest of the world can consult the General Medical Practitioner and use the services provided by the Health Service Family Clinic.

University Welfare reductions for the purchase of goods and services with affiliated companies, means-based contributions for teaching fees, university fees payable in instalments, season tickets for public transport within and outside the city, school integration service, access to nursery schools and summer camps, personal loans.

UniTS contribuisce al valore aggiunto del territorio per redditi distribuiti e acquisti di beni e servizi;

Initiatives of the Rector’s Delegates for:

  • Incoming and outgoing advice services, job placement
  • Mobility and International Relations
  • Human resources, trade union and welfare policies
  • Scientific research in humanities and development cooperation


Teaching programmes that ensure that students gain the skills necessary for the world of work.

First degree courses, Master’s degree courses, doctorates and postgraduate programmes in Social Sciences and Humanities that raise awareness of Goal 1 topics




Research, third mission, knowledge transfer and public engagement work undertaken by departments, above all in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), and by the Centro Interdipartimentale Migrazioni e Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Inter-departmental Centre for Migration and International Cooperation in Sustainable Development –CIMCS, brings together departmental initiatives regarding migratory flows and current changes across the world.

In the “A53 TutorLab_4_Inclusion”  a promotional flyer was prepared with information on the welcoming and advice services for international students, refugees and asylum seekers. 

First steps in Trieste