8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

The University of Trieste contributes to Goal 8 by:

jobunits-locandina evento

-institutional activities to promote the economic and entrepreneurial system, the creation of dignified jobs, creativity and innovation;

- initiatives to aid students’ access to the job market through: 

  • consultation with the manufacturing and services sectors, including through degree course Steering Committees;
  • placement and work advice realised by departments and the Career Service;

- University regulations protecting workers’ rights, and initiatives to promote safe and protected working environments for all employees and students, guaranteed by the Prevention and Protection Service;

- adoption under the 2020 Integrated Plan of actions to valorise human resources;

- extra insurance for employees against the risk of accident in addition to the compulsory public-sector INAIL policy when using their own or University transport for official business;

- work of the Comitato unico di garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni (Single Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, the valorisation of the wellbeing of working people and against discrimination ) – CUG;

- initiatives of the Rector’s delegates for:

  • Incoming and outgoing advice services, job placement
  • Technology transfer and relations with business
  • Working conditions, workers’ health and safety
  • Human resources, trade union and welfare policies
  • Administrative simplification and institutional agreements


The University of Trieste teaching programmes contribute to Goal 8 with first degree courses, Master’s degree courses, doctorates and, in general, postgraduate programmes, in particular in in Department of Legal Sciences, Language, Interpretation and Translation, the Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, the Clinical Department of Medicine, Surgery and Health and the Department of Political and Social Sciences.



The following contribute to the objectives of Goal 8:

- research, third mission, knowledge transfer and public engagement work

  • undertaken in departments (ArTS – Archivo della ricerca di Trieste (Trieste Research Archive));
  • in the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sui Sistemi, Tecnologie e Servizi (Inter-departmental Research Centre on Systems, Technologies and Services )– RISTES
  • in the Centro Interdipartimentale per le Scienze e Tecnologie Digitali, Informatiche e Computazionali (Inter-departmental Centre for Digital, Informational and Computational Sciences and Technologies) – STeDIC

- patents, Spin-offs and Start-ups within the University of Trieste technology transfer system;

- participation in the Centro Interuniversitario Econometria (Inter-university Econometrics Centre) - CIDE.