Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


L’Università di Trieste, anche in collaborazione, con soggetti esterni, è impegnata a realizzare una transizione verso una società a zero emissioni di carbonio e resiliente al clima, in coerenza con gli accordi sul clima (Parigi – COP21 e successivi), con l’Agenda 2030 delle NU e con il

In line with climate agreements (Paris COP21 and following), the UN 2030 Agenda and the EU’s Green Deal, the University of Trieste - including in collaboration with external bodies - is committed, to realising

a transition towards a zero-carbon emissions society that is also resilient to climate change. In particular, UniTS contributes to Goal 13 with:

- an energy efficient building plan, to limit energy consumption and increase energy production from renewal sources (solar energy);

- actions to de-materialise administrative processes in order to reduce the amount of material consumed (above all paper and plastic) and waste produced, and a system of differentiated waste collection of paper, glass-plastic-cans, batteries, plant waste, and undifferentiated material;

- participation in the SECAP “Supporto alle politiche energetiche e di adattamento climatico” - Interreg Italia Slovenia 2015-2020 (Support for energy policies and climate adaptation – Interreg Italy-Slovenia 2015-2020) project;;

- the installation of distribution points providing micro-filtered water and the distribution of re-usable water-bottles to encourage users to drink tap-water and at the same time reduce the invasive and excessive use of plastic;

- initiatives to encourage sustainable mobility and the use of local public transport through special season-tickets for staff and students;

- maintenance of green areas, in particular the Monte Valerio area located next to the university campus, which forms an integral part of the University Botanical Orchard and is a ‘hot-spot’ of biodiversity close to the city centre. Within the Orchard, the University has laid out an informational nature path open to the general public;

- participation in the Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Network of Universities for Sustainable Development - RUS) Workgroups:

  • Climate Changes, which aims to guide the University’s commitment in actions to combat climate change through the sharing of information, materials and methods to define common metrics, knowledge, competence and good practice. The actions regard support in the realisation of inventories of universities’ CO2 emissions, promotion of mitigation and adaptation plans, support in assuming formal commitments to limit emissions, as well as communication and training on the topic;
  • Energy, aiming to promote energy sustainability in universities and local communities;
  • Mobility, focused on policies and initiatives in university mobility management aimed at sustainable mobility;
  • Resources and waste, concerned with ways to manage waste produced in universities, implementing legislative norms and techniques, including those of the circular economy;
  • "Food”, looking at food consumption models among university staff and students with a view to making universities a sustainable food consumption model for the local community;

- participation in the  “GreenMetric”, ” international sustainability ranking table, in which the results in the section “Energy and Climate Change”, “Waste” and “Water” indicate that the University’s overall performance in 2020 was good;

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- work of the University’s Technical Office;
- initiatives of the Rector’s Delegates for:

  • Buildings and energy
  • Waste management – Waste Manager
  • Mobility management – Mobility Manager
  • Sustainability

- work of the Energy Manager.


The University of Trieste teaching programmes contribute to Goal 13 with first degree courses, Master’s degree courses, doctorates and, in general, postgraduate programmes in various departments, in particular the Department of Engineering and Architecture, the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences, the Department of Life Sciences

L’offerta formativa di UniTS contribuisce all’Obiettivo 13 con i corsi di laurea, laurea magistrale, i dottorati e in generale l’offerta post-lauream, delle diverse strutture dipartimentali, in particolare dei dipartimenti di Ingegneria e architettura, Matematica e Geoscienze, Scienze della Vita.



immagine natura

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Research, third mission, knowledge transfer and public engagement work undertaken in the departments (ArTS – Archivo della ricerca di Trieste (Trieste Research Archive)), the ‘Giacomo Ciamician’ Inter-departmental Centre on Energy, Environment and Transport, and the patents, Spin-offs and Start-ups within the University of Trieste technology transfer system contribute to Goal 13 objectives.

