9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


The University’s commitment to the objectives of Goal 9 can be seen in:

- support for research and technology and knowledge transfer that motivate and allow the academic community to develop innovation and start-ups able to have a long-term positive impact on society;
- promotion of entrepreneurship and the creation of value that encourage the set-up and growth of businesses;
- the specific activities of the University of Trieste Innovation Office (IO), which manages the process of technology transfer (TT) to the business world.
- Initiatives of the Rector’s Delegates for:

  • Technology transfer and relations with business
  • Third mission and popularisation of science


The teaching programmes of the University’s first degree courses, Master’s degree courses, doctorates and postgraduate programmes reference the specific topics of Goal 9, in particular in the socio-economic, legal, engineering and architecture, chemical and pharmaceutical, life sciences and health fields.



Research, third mission, knowledge transfer and public engagement work undertaken in all departments (ArTS – Archivo della ricerca di Trieste (Trieste Research Archive)), together with patents, Spin-offs and Start-ups within the University of Trieste technology transfer system and participation in numerous Inter-university centres contribute to the realisation of Goal 9.

The ‘Giacomo Ciamician’ Inter-departmental Centre on Energy, Environment and Transport is concerned with energy, transport and the environment in terms of sustainability.

The Contamination Lab (CLab UniTS) offers students, new graduates and post-docs a dedicated training path in entrepreneurship and the development of business ideas and projects to be realised together with experts in business planning, open innovation, and business strategy.

studenti e logo contamination lab
