Lecture starting

05 October, 2020

Here the 10 rules for attending UniTs safely


Here the 10 rules for attending UniTs safely



1. remember that the safety of everyone depends on each of us, and follow a proper behaviour 

2. download the Immuni app to protect yourself and others 

3. visit the department and/or study course website to find out the timetable and classrooms of your lectures 

4. if you attend lectures in presence, book your place through the #SAFETY4ALL app. If you do not have a smartphone, write to prenotazioni.aule@amm.units.it, indicating your personal details and fill in the self-declaration for accessing the university buildings 

5. on the day of lecture, before entering the classroom, scan the QR code next to the classroom door to register your presence, enter the classroom and sit in one of the seats marked with a white label 

6. if for any reason you will not be able to attend the lecture, remember to cancel your reservation, again using the #SAFETY4ALL app, in order to allow access to other students 

7. inform the teacher in case of sudden flu symptoms. In case of positive swab test, please send an email to emergenzacovid@units.it, also specifying your phone number

8. if you cannot attend in presence, follow distance learning lectures on Microsoft Teams

9. always follow the prevention rules and wear the mask correctly in every space of the university, inside and outside 

10. read the Guidelines and the Shared Protocol


How to use the App #SAFETY4ALL

Download #SAFETY4ALL from Google Play 

Download #SAFETY4AL from the App Store