Postgraduate Studies

After your first degree, you can continue your studies to enhance your preparation with a view to future employment opportunities.

Graduates can choose to continue to a Master’s degree or enrol for a second Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.  Or they can move to the third cycle and enter a PhD programme.

PhD Programmes

The third cycle is the highest level of university education. The minimum period of study is three years. Doctorate studies, along with any additional periods of study abroad or with private or public sector organisations, seek to provide the necessary expertise to undertake high-level research in public and private universities or in the professions.

University Master's Programmes

1St level University Master’s Programmes

These are 2nd cycle academic or continuing and further education courses. To enter a programme, students must hold a bachelor’s degree or comparable foreign qualification.
 The minimum period of study is one year (60 ECTS credits). The course does not have a nationally agreed syllabus, and the qualification is awarded under the authority of the individual university. The award is a 1st level Master's degree

2nd level University Master’s Programmes

These are 3rd cycle academic or continuing and further education courses. To enter a programme, students must hold a master’s degree or comparable foreign qualification. The minimum period of study is one year (60 ECTS credits).The course does not grant entry to 3rd cycle doctorate programmes, because it does not have a nationally agreed syllabus, and the qualification is awarded under the authority of the individual university. The award is a 2nd level Master's degree.

Specialisation Schools (page in Italian)

These are 3rd cycle courses which aim to provide the knowledge and expertise to hold a highly qualified professional position. To enter a course, students must hold a master’s degree (or comparable foreign qualification) and pass a selection test. The minimum period of study varies from two (120 ECTS credits)  to six years (360 ECTS credits), depending on the area of study. The award is a Specialisation Diploma.

Continuing and Further Education Courses (page in Italian)

Continuing and further education courses award attendance certificates but not qualifications. They seek to provide further academic and professional training for those already in employment.

Teacher Training (page in Italian)

These are preparation certification courses for primary and secondary school teachers.

State Professional Examinations (page in Italian)

Under Italian law, some university qualifications are academic awards, but do not directly grant professional recognition. Professional recognition is obtained by passing a State Professional Examination.


Last updated on: 10/06/2019 - 11:32