Typhoon HIL platforms for the emulation of complex power systems

27 July, 2021

Typhoon HIL, a leading company in Hardware-In-the-Loop emulators and the D-ETEF research lab. (Digital Energy Transformation & Electrification Facility) of the Department of Engineering and Architecture at University of Trieste collaborate together.

The partnership, open to further interested partners, covers the aspects of virtual prototyping in complex power systems, real-time simulations of energy controls, digital-twin setup for smart grids and e-ships.

Research results are therefore expected to be achieved in the field of methods and tools for rapid prototyping of future electrical power systems.

Typhoon HIL company, through offices in Serbia, Switzerland and the USA, makes available a high fidelity development environment, particularly suited for emulating microgrids, advanced distribution networks, generation and storage systems dense in power electronics components.

Dr. Daniele Bosich, assistant professor at D-ETEF, coordinates this collaboration, with the aim of interconnecting academic reality of University of Trieste and industry on the subject of research and development activities based on Hardware-In-the-Loop.

The partnership will make it possible to exploit most renewed computing capabilities of increasingly performing platforms. With the new Typhoon devices, the D-ETEF lab. (head, professor Giorgio Sulligoi), implements its scientific capabilities in the field of electric power generation and control for energy and transportation domains.

These devices will also be made available for educational laboratory activities in the M.Sc. Degree in Energy and Digital Systems Engineering at University of Trieste.