Scholars at Risk - SAR launched

22 February, 2019

The launch event of the Italian section of Scholars at Risk - SAR, was held on February 18, in the splendid and significant setting of the Nievo Hall of the University of Padua, in the presence of the Rectors or their Delegates, during the Winter school "Knowledges at Risk", organized by the Universities of Padua and Trento, with the joint signature by the Italian universities adhering to SAR of the constitution document.

As delegate of the University of Trieste, Prof. Roberta Altin, representative for the teaching part of SAR and coordinator of CIMCS - Interdepartmental Centre for Research on Migration and International Cooperation for Sustainable Development, participated.  The official launch of the Italian section of the Scholars at Risk network took place during the public session of the Winter School, in which particular importance was given to the proactive role of universities in implementing protection and advocacy initiatives towards scholars and academics "at risk".

Many universities around the world have understood the need and urgency to provide concrete responses to this situation, promoting collaborative protection strategies towards academics at risk and joining the international network SAR, which unites universities and institutes around the world and aims to protect the principle of academic freedom, protect academics whose research and teaching work is compromised.

The first meeting of the Italian Section discussed the future initiatives that the Section intends to undertake and the terms of operation of the Section, including the appointment of the Steering Committee, which will consist of five universities including the University of Trieste. The Committee will last two years, renewable once only.

The event was also followed in live streaming session.