Pills of Transformation4Europe - T4E #9 - European virtual inter-university campus

07 April, 2021

Do you know what another great asset of T4E is?
The creation of a European virtual inter-university campus sharing services, resources and infrastructures.
To  make this possible, we will establish a number of joint virtual offices which connect existing key staff at each partner university in charge of relevant tasks of common interest.
The exchange within these joint virtual offices (virtually on a dedicated platform or physically) will have the positive side-effect of creating intercultural knowledge-sharing, raising awareness, and up-skilling.
Have a look here:

Joint Quality Assurance Office 
Joint PhD Support Office
Joint Mobility Office
Joint Mobile Entrepreneurs’ Office
Joint Professional Development Office
Joint Event and T4E festival office
Joint Communication Office
Joint Grants Office

And not only this, the integrated multi-campus university will be embedded in an interlinked regional network and characterized by a transformative knowledge-entrepreneurialism approach!