Pills of Transformation4Europe – T4E #5 The role of Associate Members

03 March, 2021

This time we introduce our wonderful partners: they are located all over Europe (north, south, east and west), and each of them has specific responsibilities in putting forward the work programme of the T4E project.

1. Saarland University (Germany) – is the lead partner of T4E, and as such it has the overall coordination of the project
2. The University of Alicante (Spain) – is especially in charge of creating the joint challenge-based European curricula
3. The Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia) – will coordinate all actions related to the communication and dissemination of the alliance
4. The University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) – is meant to create an inter-university campus spirit that celebrates the diversity of European languages
5. Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria) – is dedicated mainly to the creation of a network of strategic partnerships with stakeholders from the partner institutions’ regions
6. Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) – encompasses key actions for a seamless and inclusive mobility around the transnational T4E ecosystem