Latin American Visions": number 20/2019 published

22 January, 2019

Published n.20/2019 of the international magazine Visioni LatinoAmericane, published by the Centro Studi per l'America Latina and directed by the sociologist Francesco Lazzari.

The July 2017 issue in open access contains the following essays:

Lazzari Francesco, Conflict, Participation, Democracy

Ghedini Giacomo, Promotional sociology and international cooperation Italy-Brazil. The contribution of Giuliano Giorio

Merler Alberto, America from a Latin American perspective

Soto Pimentel Verónica, Colonialidad del poder y utopía del mercado total. Aportes de Quijano y Lander al pensamiento decolonial

Ayala Flores Hubonor, La conformación de la asistencia privada en Veracruz, siglo XIX y principios del XX

de Jesús Hernández Delgado Yolanda, Orozco Mares Imelda, Reciprocidad entre ancianos indígenas. The other side of the social redesigns of support

Luque Carrillo Juan, Organisation gremial de los maestros de las artes plásticas en el virreinato de la Nueva España. Sociological meetings and major demonstrations

Cipriani Roberto, Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz, Brazilian sociologist and anthropologist on her 100th birthday

Rocha Maria Eduarda, Eleições Brasil 2018. Known critical-analysis algorithms

Any contributions for the next issue of July 21, 2019 must be received by the Editorial Board of Visioni LatinoAmericane no later than March 25, 2019 ( in compliance with the editorial standards and bibliographical references.