Research Ethics

The University provides researchers with two bodies that assess the ethical aspects of research work.

The University Ethics Committee for research that does NOT involve the use of laboratory animals

The University Body for Animal Well-being (OPBA) for research that does involve the use of laboratory animals.

Note that research carried out on National and Regional Health Service premises must be authorised by the respective Company Ethics Committee (a unified regional body) or a similar committee of a Clinical and Research Hospital (IRCCS) and by General and Health Board of the company where the studies are undertaken. In such cases, the University Ethics Committee assesses and judges only the ethical, scientific and technical aspects under its own responsibility and only if the assessment refers to a submission for publication or a request for funding from external or similar bodies.

See the web pages:

European Charter for Researchers

University Ethics Committee  (page in Italian)

University Body for Animal Well-being  (page in Italian)

University Regulation of Research Ethics and Integrity (page in Italian)

Last updated on: 20/11/2018 - 09:08