2nd Bilateral meeting Italy-Slovenia on the role of research in the society
Ljubljana, April 18th, 2018
Maurizio Fermeglia partecipa a Lubiana al "2nd Bilateral Research Day Italy-Slovenia" - 18 aprile 2018
Il Rettore dell'Università di Trieste, parteciperà domani a Lubiana, al secondo incontro bilaterale Italia-Slovenia sul ruolo della ricerca nella società.
Saranno presenti rappresentanti dei ministeri della Scienza di entrambi i Paesi, rappresentanti delle università e delle istituzioni ed imprese scientifiche.
Il Rettore di Trieste svolgerà una relazione introduttiva, parlando subito dopo il Ministro della Scienza di Slovenia, Maja Makovec Brenčič ed il Sottosegretario di Stato MIUR, Vito De Filippo.
Le interazioni tra scienza, tecnologia e società giocano un ruolo predominante nell’evoluzione dei due Paesi e questo ruolo dovrebbe espandersi ulteriormente nel prossimo futuro, con significative ricadute anche nel campo produttivo. Diversi segnali infatti indicano questa convergenza.
La Slovenia e l'Italia, insieme, hanno la possibilità di costruire una significativa massa critica di ricercatori e innovatori per assumere un ruolo guida in questo scenario, a causa delle loro preesistenti intense relazioni scientifiche e culturali e della loro posizione chiave in Europa, come porta per il Mediterraneo e le regioni del Danubio.
L'incontro del 18 aprile, si concentrerà sulla situazione delle collaborazioni nei tre settori ERC (Fisica e Ingegneria, Scienze della vita, e Scienze sociali e umanistiche): verranno presentate e discusse storie di successo di collaborazioni esistenti e progetti futuri.
Lo scopo dell'incontro è quello di migliorare le collaborazioni tra i due paesi nei settori dell'istruzione superiore, della scienza e della tecnologia su temi che hanno un forte impatto sulla società.
Programma dell'evento di Lubiana:
18 April 2018 Bilateral meeting Italy Slovenia on the role of research in the society
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, Masarykova 16, Ljubljana
9.30 – 10.00 | Registration and Welcome Coffee
10.00 – 10.20 | Welcome address Maja Makovec Brenčič, Minister (tbc) Vito De Filippo, State Secretary, Ministry of research and University, Italy (tbc)
10.20 – 10.30 | Presentation of bilateral agreements between Italy and Slovenia
Fabrizio Nicoletti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Deputy Director General for Scientific Cooperation
Maurizio Fermeglia, University of Trieste, Rector Urban Krajcar, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia
10.40 – 11.20 | KEYNOTE SPEAKERS
Tomaž Prosen, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Massimiliano Pagani, University of Milano, Italy
11.30 – 13.30 | PARALLEL SESSIONS
ERC Physical and Engineering Sciences (PE) sector Moderators: Corrado Spinella, CNR Dept. of Physical Sciences and Technologies of Matter, Rome
Dragan Mihailović, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Success stories of collaboration Dean Cvetko, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
Tomaž Zwitter, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
Anka Lisec, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Ghribi Mounir, National Insitute of Oceanograpy and Geophysiscs, OGS, Trieste
Sulligoi Giorgio, University of Trieste
De Ninno Giovanni, Elettra-Sincrotrone, Trieste
ERC Life Sciences (LS) sector Moderators: Francesco Loreto, National Research Council, Rome
Gregor Anderluh, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana
Success stories of collaboration Klemen Lisjak, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
Natalija Rosso, University Medical Centre of Ljubljana
Uroš Novak, National Institute of Chemistry,
Matteucci Giorgio, National Research Council, CNR, Napoli
Storici Paola, Elettra-Sincrotrone, Trieste
Brigolin Daniele, University Ca' Foscari, Venezia
ERC Social sciences and Humanities (SH) sector Moderators: Marco Realini, National Research Council, Rome
Aleksander Panjek, University of Primorska, Koper
Success stories of collaboration Rada Cossutta, Science and Research Centre Koper
Matej Klemenčič, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Irina M. Cavaion, Science and Research Centre Koper
Bier Ada, University Ca' Foscari, Venezia
Rota Franco, University Ca' Foscari, Venezia
13.30 – 14.45 | Lunch Break
14.45 – 16.30 | Summary of research activities and future collaborations Moderators: Maurizio Fermeglia, Urban Krajcar
Gregor Anderluh, Francesco Loreto | LS Sector Dragan Mihailović, Corrado Spinella | PE Sector Aleksander Panjek, Marco Realini | SH Sector
The interactions among science, technology and society already play a major role in the evolution of our countries and this role is expected to further expand in the near future. Several signals are indicating this convergence: we could mention the societal challenges-driven pillar of Horizon 2020 and FP9, but also the relevant research investments in this direction in the US and in China. Societal challenges cannot be tackled by a single-discipline approach: they require a much broader multidisciplinary approach involving different way of thinking and the contribution of different cultural backgrounds.
Slovenia and Italy, together, have the possibility to build a significant critical mass of researchers and innovators to take a leading role in this scenario, due to their pre-existing intense scientific and cultural relationships and their key position in Europe, as a door to the Mediterranean and the Danube regions.
The event aims at presenting our strategic research and innovation agendas, the key enabling technologies and the available (human, material and intangible) resources that can be used to tackle the major societal challenges facing the two countries. Furthermore, commonalities and synergies among the smart specialization strategies developed in different regions of Italy and Slovenia could be identified, with a view to foster networking and facilitate collaborations for designing and implementing joint projects.
The expected output of the meeting is to enhance collaborations between the two countries in the domains of higher education, science and technology on themes having a strong impact on the society by:
a. the identification of interdisciplinary themes in areas where collaborations between the two countries already exist, such as, e.g., energy, environment, cultural and natural heritage, new and advanced materials, health, water, agro-food;
b. the upgrade of research infrastructures of common interest and/or the enhancement of the use of the existing ones, to make open access of Italian and Slovenian researchers to these resources more effective and efficient;
c. the involvement of the stakeholders, such as research performing institutions and companies (large enterprises and SMEs), which will help identifying actions in the domains of higher education, science and technology enabling the enhancement of the quality of life, the protection of the environment (with a particular emphasis on the seas), and the social and cultural growth of the citizens of Italy and Slovenia.
Two ERC project principal investigator have been invited to the meeting to describe their projects and report their experiences. The meeting will focus on the situation of the collaborations in the three ERC sectors (Physics and Engineering, Life Sciences and Social Science and humanities): success stories of existing collaborations and future projects will be presented and discussed.