From Food to Health - Trieste 28-30 August, 2017
Overall aim: The University of Trieste, the University of Udine and the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA -Trieste), in association with the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference organize the 2nd AARC-PhD Students Conference From Food to Health. The Conference will take place in Trieste from the 28th to the 30th of August. Overall aim of the event is to share knowledge, ideas and experiences among the PhD Students of the Universities in the Alps-Adriatic area.
Target audience: We welcome PhD students among the Alps-Adriatic Region.
The general topic is intended to consider an ideal path leading from Food to Health (i.e. nutrition, nutraceuticals and nutrigenomics, natural products and health, metabolomics and other omics, microbiome, molecular oncology, biomaterials, biotechnology, traceability, biodiversity …) through scientifically relevant issues (societal impact of biomedical technologies) and to finally understanding how to transfer this knowledge not only to scientists and experts, but also to the broad audience (scientific communication).
The Conference programme is organized in keynote lectures, poster sessions and oral presentations by the PhD Students. Therefore, PhD Students will have the opportunity to present their research projects either as poster or as oral presentation, selected from the submitted abstracts. The oral presentation will allow students to give a 15-minutes presentation of their topic.
Moreover it represents an excellent opportunity for PhD students to get to know each other and build up their network in a relaxed atmosphere, and to create strong links between universities from the Alps-Adriatic area.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated for oral presentation by a scientific committee. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference proceedings. All abstracts have to be sent until the 20th of July 2017 to the e-mail
Registration is now open here:
A detailed programme of the Conference, will be available soon on this page.
Abstract Format for PhD Students here.
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