Entrepreneurship environment and start up creation in California

Data evento: 
Da  20/09/201820/09/2018

Giovedì 20 settembre, alle ore 16, il prof. JONATHAN KLAMKIN sarà ospite del Contamination Lab dell’Ateneo (Ex Ospedale Militare, Via Fabio Severo, 40), intervenendo sul tema “Entrepreneurship environment and start up creation in California”.

Il prof. KLAMKIN è docente di Electrical and Computer Engineering presso l’Università della California, Santa Barbara ed è un esperto di fotonica e nuovi materiali.

Nell’ambito della creazione di nuova impresa innovativa, è di rilevante importanza la conoscenza del contesto imprenditoriale e delle “regole di ingaggio” dei venture capitalist di ogni parte del mondo nonché delle tendenze delle nuove tecnologie. In questo senso la sua esperienza professionale sarà fondamentale per dialogare sui temi dell’innovazione e della creazione di impresa in uno dei contesti geografici più fecondi da questo punto di vista: la California.

Jonathan Klamkin is a professor at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) where he leads a group of ~18 researchers conducting pioneering research in integrated photonic technologies. He is also the Director of the UCSB Nanotech. Previously he held positions at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy, and Boston University. He was a Chair for the 2018 Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics Conference. He serves as Vice-Chair for the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Subcommittee on Microwave Photonics, Associate Editor for Photonics Technology Letters, and as a Steering Committee Member for the Journal of Lightwave Technology. Prof. Klamkin is the recipient of a NASA Early Career Faculty Award and the DARPA Young Faculty Award. He or his students have won best paper awards at the Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices Conference (COMMAD), the Microwave Photonics Conference (MWP), and the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP). He has published ~180 papers, and holds 1 patent and 3 pending patents.

Group website: http://integratedphotonics.ece.ucsb.edu/