The University of Trieste is part of the following International Networks:
Since October 1988, the University has been member of the SGroup European Universities Network, being one of the co-founder universities of this European network. The University of Trieste is very active within the network, namely through the participation of its faculty staff members and officers in the annual meetings, conferences and networks.
Visit the SGroup web site.
For more than 20 years the University of Trieste has been member of the Conference of European Rectors - CRE, a European association which has actually evolved in a new association called European University Association, born out of the merger of the CRE and AEU (Association of European Universities).
The EUA main activities deal with the co-ordination of the European university policies and the promotion of meetings among universities all over Europe.
Visit the EUA website.
AARC is constituted to promote dialogue among the higher educational institutions of the Alps Adriatic regions in the fields of education, scientific research and didactics. AARC is engaged in supporting collaboration of teachers and students in different academic fields.
AARC cooperates with the requisite institutions of the European Union in scientific research and in the different cycles of higher educational training, including life-long learning.
Visit the AARC website.
The Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC) is a strong network of almost 70 universities in the region of the Danube, which flows from the Black Forest to the Black Sea.
Our aim is to improve higher education in teaching and research, and the advancement of our member universities by establishing sustainable contacts.
Visit the DRC website.
UNIADRION is a voluntary, trans-national and non-profit making association of Universities and Research Centers. The association has been established (2000, Ravenna Conference) with the purpose to create a permanent connection among Universities and Research and Development Centers of excellence of the Adriatic and Ionian Basin, thus strengthening the inter-university cooperation and the strategy of the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion.
The co-operation is multidisciplinary and covers the following areas: protection, cataloguing and promotion of cultural heritage, environment and sustainable development, cultural tourism and development, economics, communication, harbours and trade relations; structure and organisation of the Uniadrion network.
Visit the Uniadrion website.
In 2017, the University of Trieste has become member of the Scholars at Risk – SAR network.
Scholars at Risk is an international network of institutions and individuals, whose mission is to protect scholars and promote academic freedom.
By arranging temporary academic positions at member universities and colleges, SAR offers safety to scholars facing grave threats, aiming to protect scholars’ ideas and to keep working until their conditions improve and they are able to return to their home countries.
Scholars at Risk also provides advisory services for scholars and hosts, campaigns for scholars, who are imprisoned or silenced in their home countries, by deploying new tools and strategies for promoting academic freedom and improving respect for university values everywhere.
Visit the SAR website.
In 2018 has become again member of the EMUNI Network.
Since its establishment in 2008, the Euro-Mediterranean University, one of the priority projects of the Union for the Mediterranean, has become an international institution, which gathers expert knowledge and experience of the Euro-Mediterranean countries and thus contributes in a significant way to the creation of a unified, integrated Euro-Mediterranean higher education and research area.
University to a large extent conducts its operation at its seat in Piran, where the spatial conditions for some of its activities are fulfilled. The basic mission of the EMUNI University is to contribute with its activities to strengthening intercultural dialogue and to the priority goals of the Barcelona process, which is in the broader sense included also in the Union for the Mediterranean.
Visit the EMUNI website.
EUF - European University Foundation
The European University Foundation aims to accelerate the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. The Foundation focuses its action on five pillars and it stands for diversity and social fairness in Higher Education.
Visit the EUF website
RUNIPACE - Rete Università per la Pace
The network promotes the social responsibility in all disciplines, it supports Studies on Peace, as an interdisciplinary academic discipline, and it promotes the consolidation of peace by peaceful means as the center of research, teaching, training and third mission activities. The University of Trieste has joined it since 2021 and its reference person is prof. Roberto Louvin.